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Ep. 10 Fishing Cape Flattery on our Northern Adventure.

Epic session fishing Cape Flattery during the last days of our northern adventure.

Cape Flattery is approximately 40 kilometres north of Cooktown and famous for it’s shimmering white sand and Silica mine.

It is one of the world’s largest silica mines and the white sand dunes are spectacular. 

Fishing Cape Flattery has been productive on every visit.

The headland provides some great top water opportunities and the deep water nearby is filled with rubble and reef patches.

The sand loading facility attracts pelagics like big GT’s and Spanish Mackerel.

Metal slices and poppers and stick baits are the go for this type of fishing.

Or if you’re into trolling, gar with wog heads will work a treat.

On the protected side (western beach) there are plenty of land based headland opportunities that can be easily accessed.

Fishing Cape Flattery for the trevally and queenfish schools is insane.

So much so I tried to drive away from them to find bottom dwellers like Fingermark and Nannygai.

For the full ship’s log of the trip > click here.

Otherwise sit back and enjoy the video of our fishing session at Cape Flattery FNQ.



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Trip Highlights

Cape Flattery
The fringing reefs around the Cape provide great fishing.
Large-mouth Nannygai
Evatt the cod king finally got redemption with this PB Nannygai and one of the best fish of the trip.
Huge Pennant Fish Fishing Cape Flattery
Camera Operator Stu got this nice Pennant Fish fishing Cape Flattery on our Levitator Jigs. Released to fight another day.
Cape Flattery beach
Afternoon stroll down the Cape Flattery beach. Does it get any better? Great camping spots along this beach and we can’t wait to get back – maybe next time our Northern Adventure will be in the four wheel drive.
Golden Trevally
Even the missus who normally doesn’t fish much, got some exercise with this good Golden. Fishing Cape Flattery was productive and a ton of fun.
Silica sands of Cape Flattery
The stunning silica sands are pure white.
Boat anchored on the Great barrier Reef while Fishing Cape Flattery
Our last night at sea on our Northern Adventure with Evatt before heading to Cooktown. What an amazing trip we have had.

Gear and Tackle Used Fishing Cape Flattery.

We have prepared a cheat sheet with >> Ryan’s favourite gear and tackle.

Although this gear is not specific to on particular species, it is what he uses to fish tropical north Australia for most species.


Custom Rod

Before we left my good mate (and custom rod builder) Ronnie Farren made me a 6 foot custom bait caster to raffle off in our Barra Basics fishing course community.

But I had to test drive it first haha.

It worked a treat and really surprised me on the big Nanny’s batting well above it’s weight while still being beautifully light and easy to fish with.

We tested it on many species, fingermark, golden trevally, 6000 blue salmon (haha) and of course big nannys and gold spots on the wonkys.

I loved it so much I’m getting him to make me one.

All the components were supplied by Ian Drent from Myrodshop.com and built by Ron Farren from Salty Dog Custom Rods Townsville (contact him via his Salty Dog Facebook page) if you’re interested in one of his masterpieces. And it was built on a Sabre Genesis 8-10 kg blank.

Fishing Lures

On this trip we used our own lures almost exclusively because after years of testing they have been found to be so effective.

You can purchase using the following links.

Shallow diver Scaleblazer.

Sinking sink bait Pillager

Slow pitch jig Levitator.

Ryan’s custom rod made by Ron Farren of Salty Dog Custom Rods in Townsville. You can contact him via his facebook page.

Salty Dog Custom Rods Townsville

Fishing Courses

Find new spots quickly in areas you have never visited before.

Check out our Fish Smarter courses.

Sounder Skills 2

Wonky Holes. 

Finding Fingermark and other Foragers like Snapper.

More Episodes

I hope you enjoyed our video Fishing Cape Flattery

Stay tuned for the next episode as we have an exciting fishing sessions on the very last day of the trip.


Picture of Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist and to date has put clients onto over 2000 metre plus barra. That is over 2 kilometres of metre plus barra! With attitudes changing from 'keep all you can' towards catch and release, Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.
Picture of Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist and to date has put clients onto over 2000 metre plus barra. That is over 2 kilometres of metre plus barra! With attitudes changing from 'keep all you can' towards catch and release, Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.