Ryan_Saratoga_Fishlift_MareebaWetlands-BLOG COVER05460

Saratoga Fishing for Beginners: Learn from a Fishing Expert’s Experience

Saratoga fishing is a thrilling experience, and these prehistoric fighters are known for their surface strikes and aerial acrobatics. As a barramundi expert, I was ...
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Giant trevally are being trialled for stocking in impoundments

Stocking Trevally in Barra Impoundments

Stocking trevally in barra impoundments is a hot topic of late, but do YOU want to catch fish like this GT in a stocked dam? ...
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Catching estuary cod fishing Port Clinton

Fishing Port Clinton

While difficult to get to, fishing in Port Clinton can be particularly rewarding, partly due to its remoteness. We had an epic session catching estuary ...
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barra tactics for windy days

Barramundi Fishing 101: Everything You Need To Know!

After decades on the water as a barramundi fishing guide, acclaimed angler Ryan Moody shares some insider knowledge about catching big barra.
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Giant Trevally

Pelagic Fishing In Estuaries: Expert Tips for Your Next Adventure!

Discover essential tips for successful pelagic fishing adventures in estuaries, from gear selection to spotting ideal fishing spots.
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Best way to cook coral trout

Spice Battle: The Best Way to Cook Coral Trout With An Air Fryer

After an eventful trolling adventure at Leicester Island on the outskirts of Shoalwater Bay in the Blue Boat, we scored a good-eating-size coral trout and ...
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Black jewfish using barramundi techniques

Black Jewfish Fishing: Succeeding with Barra Techniques

There are two prominent Jewfish species in Australia, one being the Black Jew, a more northern species. The other is the Mulloway (or silver jewfish) ...
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barra tactics for windy days

Barra tactics for rough weather

Over 30 years on charter, I’ve learned a few tricky barra tactics for rough weather when the fish go off the chew. This very thing ...
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Picked up this threadfin exploring a new fishing location.

Exploring a new fishing location – Shoalwater Bay

When we travel to new places, we use a step-by-step approach to exploring a new fishing location. Often, we are only in the area for ...
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estuary cod

Are estuary cod good eating?

When fishing for jew, fingermark, and barra, a common by-catch is the gold spot or estuary cod. These common species inhabit creeks, rivers, inshore, and semi-offshore ...
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Blue Groper Ban

Blue Groper Ban – Where is the science?

On the 1st of March 2024, The NSW Government implemented a Blue Groper ban for all recreational line anglers across the state. It is a ...
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fresh jewfish recipe with tuna sashimi

Jewfish Recipe – with tuna sashimi catch and cook

Try our Jewfish recipe for Thai Jewfish Curry + tuna sashimi entree after an epic morning session of jew and nothern bluefin. Yum!
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