After sending an email last week with our funniest fishing memes, members of community sent in theirs!
Some of these were just too funny not to share.
Especially for those that aren’t on social media and don’t get to see these regularly.
And don’t forget to drop back to our first fishing memes compilation from 2019.
We will be getting back to the usual fishing tips plus barra action videos and offshore action videos as soon as we get our Locating Livies course finished.
It has become bigger than Ben Hur with over 30 videos!
So a big thanks to our community for sending in these great fishing memes!

If this is the case, send him the link to our FREE Big Picture sounder course.

And finally

Well I hope you enjoyed our funniest fishing memes compilation.
If you want to take your fishing game to the next level, consider one of our Fish Smarter online fishing courses.