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In search of the perfect barra lure.

Is there such a thing as the perfect barra lure?

My old mate Dave Killalea likes to think so, and he should know having founded one of the most successful barra lure manufacturing mobs in Australia “Killalure”.

But what many people may not know is that Dave sold the company several years ago and had a 10 year hiatus… but now he is back.

I recently caught up with Dave as he talks about his new venture, Old Dog Lures and his quest for the perfect barra lure. 

Dave Killalea is one of the most accomplished barra lure designers in Australia.

In this new line, Dave has been experimenting with buoyancy to accommodate bigger stronger hooks, a feature lacking in many barra lures in my opinion.

And there is no point swinging heavy hook hardware without also beefing up the internal wiring and split rings holding it all together.

Super strong bibs are also a feature on Old Dog lures new range.

DK has been making barra lures since I was a kid and I would love $1 for every barra I have caught on one of his lures.

I grew up fishing with Dave in my early days, and was once a “poster boy” for one of his classic promotions when I was just 15 having caught my first metre plus barra.

For the full story of my first metre plus barra click here.

In my opinion Dave Killalea is a pioneer in the barra lure game and an absolute legend.

To find out how Dave is going in his quest for the perfect barra lure and some interesting tips about classic timber lure making at it’s finest, check out our video below as I chat to Dave about all of the above.

If using Australian made products is important to you and you want a lure with a proven design and hardware to match, you can purchase Old Dog Lures at the following link.

Old Dog Lures

Do you have a great fishing yarn about a DK barra lure or maybe have an old one in your collection? Let us know in the comments as we love to hear your stories.

Struggling to catch a barra?

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You will also go in the draw to win a Ryan Moody barra fishing charter.


Picture of Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist and to date has put clients onto over 2000 metre plus barra. That is over 2 kilometres of metre plus barra! With attitudes changing from 'keep all you can' towards catch and release, Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.
Picture of Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist and to date has put clients onto over 2000 metre plus barra. That is over 2 kilometres of metre plus barra! With attitudes changing from 'keep all you can' towards catch and release, Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.