Until now we were blissfully unaware of the serious boat issues we were about to uncover.
We thought we were stopping over in Townsville install the mag switch – one of the boat issues we discovered at Hinchinbrook. And take a look at the genset which was also playing up.
In heatwave conditions, the genset issue meant no airconditioning. Seriously we need this FIXED!
Aaron from Cummins Townsville looked after Mood Swings when she lived in Townsville.
He is an exceptional mechanic and was the first person we called when we hit town.
Turns out the genset fuel pump was almost cactus and the raw water switch was faulty. Hence the cutting out after seconds and water supply alarm.
As it was going to be an overnight to order, we took advantage of the time to catch up with friends and family.
And with shore power our airconditioning was back in action. Phew.
When we awoke we all had a headache and the stench of diesel fumes were thick in the air.
What now!!!
After a frantic check of the Mood Swings bilge we realised the issue was not with us.
More serious boat issues were at hand – a boat nearby had sunk.
It was on a floating pontoon and one of the pontoons had given way.
We made a quick call to maritime services (AMSA) and they came down to bund up the marina and contain the slick.
Certainly made our boat issues seem trivial.
When you’re at sea you never quite get a chance to fully relax.
You are sleeping with one eye and ear always open.
But in the marina we get to let our hair down.
We also got a chance to finally work out a fix for the outboard kicking over in the blue boat. Turns out the fly by wire steering cannot be fixed in place. Hence we had to strap it straight with a ratchet strap.
When dealing with these kinds of boat issues, they are often easy to solve in a marina.
There’s no waves and you have the benefit of the pontoons to stand on.
But we needed a fix for this issue, that could be applied equally as easily at sea.
The next outboard will definately not be purchased without a fix for this boat issue!
Turns out the COVID backlog means parts are scarce. Sadly there is no fuel pump for our genset anywhere in the country.
Except perhaps on the back of someone’s truck…
Will we get on our way soon, or have to delay our trip months to sort out our boat issues?
Well you’ll have to watch the episode to find out!

I hope you enjoyed Episode 7 of our south to the Swains series – Boat issues in Townsville. Be sure and catch boat prep and provisioning in Episode 1 – simply click here to bounce back
And while you’re here, why not take a look at some of our other tips and fishing action videos below.
• Gear and tackle cheat sheet and other free training
• Princess Charlotte Bay