Townsville Marina was our next port of call on our way from Cairns to the Swain Reefs.
And since Townsville is my home town, also a great time to catch up with friends and family.
The trip from the Palm Island group was uneventful although there was some confusion about whether there was live firing going on at Rattlesnake Island.
Enroute to the Townsville marina the direct route passes quite close to Rattlesnake Island.
But of course we don’t want to get close while they are bombing the place!
The notice to mariners regarding army exercises was quite confusing. When checking dates be sure and click in to each entry.
Otherwise it refers to the date it was posted, NOT the date the live firing is to occur (details in the video).
Anyhow we finally worked out there was no live firing planned. And arrived at Townsville marina after lunch.
There is both diesel and petrol available onsite. Laundry facilities, showers, good security and walking distance to cafe’s and supermarkets.
If you need to get around further, grab an electric scotter. Just download the Neuron escooter app.
Once downloaded, the location of the nearest scooter is shown. You pay for the time you use so just jump on and leave it when you get to your destination.
When you want to head back to the Townsville Marina, just reverse the process.
The day we arrived was in late October and one of the last of the barra season.
While conditions were not ideal, it was great to head out in the boat with Evatt, my son Col, and best man Bo for a quick fish.
We could have brought back a schoolie for dinner, but we let him go.
After a few nights on the boat I was keen to shout my mum dinner!
Some big barras lurking behind the blue lights of the boat in the Townsville marina kept us entertained!
Plus we figured we would be catching fish one after the other during our trip to the Swain reefs. Red fish at that!
Little did we know…
Anyhow that’s enough babble from me. Watch the video as we travel to Townsville Marina and spend a few days there.
If you’d like to know more about the kind of fishing gear we take while cruising the Queensland coast, click the link below for our gear and tackle cheat sheet. Includes the electronics we run in each boat and our favourite lures as well.

I hope you enjoyed Episode 6 of our south to the Swains series – Palm Islands to Townsville marina.
If you missed it you can bounce back to Episode 1 – simply click here.
Or take a look at some of our other tips and fishing action videos below.
• Gear and tackle cheat sheet and other free training
• Princess Charlotte Bay