Learning to splice dacron is a skill most regularly used by big game anglers but it can also be used to make a safety lanyard and never lose your sunglasses again.
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen sunglasses and other objects disappear into the depths after falling over the side.
Sure you can buy ready made ones at the servo, but they are either bulky and hurt your ears, or the little rubber ends stretch and fall off.
In my marlin fishing days, not only did we splice dacron for rigging, but we also used it to make lanyards for our sunglasses as the same technique can be used for both.

For this demo I’m using tonic sunglasses as they have ready made holes and are my sunglasses of choice at the moment. They are so light and great for seeing bait in the water in the shallows.
If you’re not sure how to catch bait, check out my “how to throw a cast net video“. It has over a million views now and shows you how to throw off the wrist and avoid getting covered in mud.
But I digress…
Now I realise not everyone goes marlin fishing and thus may not have a roll of 130lb dacron lying around.
But you can purchase small rolls of 80lb dacron used as fly fishing backing for around $15 from specialist tackle shops like Fishing Warehouse in Townsville.
Tools to splice dacron
To splice dacron you’ll need to make yourself a tool from single strand stainless wire.
If you are going to use 130lb dacron I suggest 80lb wire, although if you’re using 80lb dacron, you’ll need to come down to 50lb wire or thereabouts.
The step by step technique to splice dacron including how to make the splicing tool is outlined in the video below.
For comprehensive training on all manner of sports fish from northern Australia, check out our Fish Smarter online fishing courses or our free related posts below;
If interpreting your sounder is not your strong point and have trouble identifying fish, our $20 Sounder Skills 1 course will help!
It has recieved rave reviews from experienced anglers and beginners alike.
Click the button below to get started – it’s cheap as a takeaway lunch at the moment, only takes about 40 minutes to watch and also includes (as a free bonus) our sounder interpretation presentation.
Stop scratching your head and start catching fish in less time using my knowledge.